This post is mainly going to be about my hospital stay and our New Year's Eve. I will share more about Wyatt in tomorrow's post. I had a scheduled date to induce Wednesday, December 31. Dr. Burton was on call that particular day and my body was dilated to a 3, so he turned on the green light and said go! After thinking it through for a few days I began to think that a New Year's Eve birthday for Wyatt would be a fun day to celebrate his birth each year.
The hospital scheduled us to arrive at 7:00 in the morning. Matt and I arrived at the hospital ready to welcome another member into our family. We got back within 20 minutes and the nurses did not waste anytime. Medical history and IVs were knocked out quickly while Dr. Burton waited to break water. With Caroline this part of the birth experience was easy...with Wyatt this part was the most uncomfortable part of the day. Dr. Burton came in to break the water and could not tell after multiple attempts if he had completely broken the membrane, so we had a change of plans. Epidural was given immediately and then Dr. Burton was able to successfully rupture the membrane.
Now it was the waiting game. The nurses started the pitocin and we waited patiently until around 8:00 p.m. when Wyatt was ready to meet us. Dr. Burton headed to the hospital and at 8:27 Wyatt Matthew Ritchie joined our family. Wyatt's delivery was another successful, easy, and an amazing experience. Wyatt weighed 8 pounds and was 21 inches long. He was just perfect, and a blessing and miracle from the Lord.
family photo while waiting on Wyatt |
Wyatt's door hanger |
Wyatt Matthew Ritchie |
Welcome to the outside world |
My little boy |
Mommy and Wyatt |
Our Family |
Daddy and Wyatt |
Papaw Troy, MiMi, and Wyatt |
P, Nenaw, and Wyatt |
Caroline helping the nurse clean Wyatt |
Big Sis giving Wyatt a bath |
Mommy and Wyatt |
first picture at home |
Dear Wyatt,
On December 31 you completed our family. You added so much joy. We prayed for you for months. We prayed for you to be strong and courageous for the Lord. That prayer is how we decided on your name. I will always pray the same prayer as you grow. You have a sister that adores you and has asked to be a big sister for years. The love that she has for you is a huge and abundant love. You have brought happiness to our family. I cannot describe the thankfulness that I feel that God gave you to us. You will always be loved.