Ritchie Crew

Ritchie Crew

Friday, February 15, 2013

Fun in the Sun

Fun in the sun today...and a little wind.  Isabella, Caroline, and Emma Grace had a blast at Twin Rivers Bridge. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day Daddy

Happy Valentine's Day Daddy from your girls.  We love you!

Happy Valentine's Day

 We had a lot of fun preparing for Valentine's Day this year.  Below is a time line of photos to share:
First set of Valentine Cards

Gathering supplies for Valentine Box
Spraying Valentine Box

Painting...always fun

Final Product

 We celebrated the afternoon with Caroline's class at school.  They had a pajama and ice cream party.  They are each adorable and the sweetest Valentine gift any parent could ask for. 

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Monday, February 11, 2013


 92.  Plain and Simple.  What could be so special about 92?  Well, since you asked...we only have 92 days until my husband returns home.  I am beyond excited and thrilled!  I cannot stop smiling!  I have been waiting quite a while to start the link system.  By the time you read this we will probably be down to 91 day left until the return. 

Each morning Caroline gets to take a link off the chain.  Before you know it we will be down to 1 link.  

Caroline cutting her links

 I know I brag about Beth, but she has some great activities on her site for children in the pre-k ages.  This month she is featuring Dr. Seuss and Valentine activities.  Caroline has enjoyed reviewing her writing, math, and reading skills.  Check out the site if you have a young child.  Click here.
Caroline's s and h
greater than-less than Valentine activity

Saturday, February 9, 2013


 We had 2 objectives today:  get an ink cartridge and work at the community garden.  We did not reach our 2 objectives for the day, but we sure had a blast running around town.  Peggy came this morning and we left for a girl's day. 

Today was a first for myself and Caroline.  The Krispy Kreme light was on outside the building, so we stopped to take a peak at the preparation of the doughnuts and get a free doughnut.  We had lots of laughs, warm doughnuts, and sticky fingers by the time we were ready to leave.  We will definitely be watching for the light a little more often.   

Watching the doughnuts being made

Keeping a close eye on her doughnut
 After running a few errands it was time for Genghis Grill.  How did we get so lucky?  Yummo! 

Mommy and Caroline being silly
 Then it was off to Wal-Mart...
We had a wonderful morning!  I love making memories with Caroline doing the simple things.  Now I am excited to start a few projects at home for the evening.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!  Tomorrow is my favorite day of the week!  Ready to worship the Lord!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cloud Graphing

 This weekend we are learning about rows, columns, and graphs.  I decided to incorporate Beth's activity from livinglifeintentionally.blogspot.com dealing with clouds and weather.  Caroline and I will be reviewing the different types of clouds.  We will keep you updated in 15 days...
Caroline was my helper today at SCDC.  We went up to the school to show a video on brushing our teeth.  After the presentation we went shopping for our first Valentine Day cards and started gathering supplies to make our card box.  I will post pictures tomorrow of Caroline's box. 

I will NEVER take for granted being able to spend the days with Caroline helping her with crafts, throwing glitter, and squeezing glue.  The laughs and love she is gives is abundant.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Toxic Thoughts

First let me share this picture...I adore it....and I adore my little girl!  I really needed this smile tonight.

On another note...if you check out facebook, blogs, twitter, etc. you will see our sermon series EVERYWHERE! 21 Day Detox. God spoke to many people this Sunday.   We all have toxic thoughts.  We all have toxic thoughts about different situations.  I had a HUGE toxic thought last week that was placed in my head.  Today I had that same toxic thought reappear between my ears.   Sometimes our ears are our enemy...between our own two ears are toxic thoughts. 

We have four main types of toxic thoughts; fearful, discontented, critical, and tempting.  Fear is my toxic thought. 

There are 2 steps to the first week of detox.  The first step this week is to identify your toxic thought.  That is the easy step.  The second step is overcome your toxic thought.  The second step does take effort and it is not completed alone.  You have to rely on scripture.  You have to review scripture to see what is true.  We have to continue to review scriptures on a continual basis to know what is true and detox our toxic thoughts. 

Detox topic next week...our words.  Join us next Sunday!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Valentine Month

 I am almost finished with my camera class; thank goodness!  My brain needs a rest from all of this studying.  This week we worked on aperture and depth of field.  I am submitting the above picture for the lesson for this week. 
 And check out my sweet little Valentine on the first day of February.  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.