We just arrived back in the states yesterday morning and we are glad to be back home! We traveled to New Orleans last week and set sail for Mexico on a cruise. This was Matt and Caroline's first cruise, and the entire family's first time to set foot in Mexico. We had a great time, but also realized what we should be thankful for in our lives (perfect timing for Thanksgiving).
The trip started off with excitement after our trip to Cracker Barrel. We stopped about half way for Caroline to stretch her legs and to eat dinner. Let me just add that Matt and I are Cracker Barrel's smallest fans, but we took it for the team. We thought this would be a good place for Caroline to charm the old folks and admire the gift shop. About fifteen minutes after we were back on the road Caroline got sick....sick again...and then sick again. After changing her clothes on the side of the interstate we decided to find a hotel and call it a night.

We left for the cruise the next morning and went through the boarding process. We found the ice cream machine first thing...it became the number one hit!

Leaving New Orleans

Caroline playing on the pull-down bunk

We found the Salon on the first day...and the girls at the salon fell in love with Caroline! She was pampered with lotion.

Every time we would go into the Atrium, Caroline would want to see the
piano man.

Caroline and Daddy before dinner on Saturday night.

Checking out the piano man after dinner.

Our Steward's towel creation-Night 1

Ice Cream trip-Number 2

Trip Number 3

Where is Caroline

Towel Creation-Night 2 (please note the chocolate ice cream below her bottom lip). Bob Harper would have a stroke if he knew how many times we let this child have ice cream.

We arrived at Progresso, Yucatan on Monday and we were ready to explore. Below is a picture of the pier (5 miles long) and fishing area.

Getting ready to ride on the Double Decker bus...also known by Caroline as the
school bus. Riding the
school bus was one of her favorite parts of the trip. She is still talking about the big bus.

We took a trip though downtown Progresso; this was a favorite. After about two minutes of sight-seeing the driver says over the speaker...lower your head and watch for power lines. He was not kidding! We would lower our heads and they would still only clear us by a few inches.

Getting ready for Christmas

One of four churches in Progresso

Below is Caroline's FAVORITE part of the cruise.
I saw a big lizard, as she will tell you. Then she will proceed to tell you about touching the
lizard's long tail. She kept asking to go back and touch the
lizard again. That was all Daddy and Caroline; I did not want anywhere near that creature!

If you look to the far left you will see a lady. The lady is guarding the bathroom door for me and Caroline. Matt snapped this picture to show you the restaurant bathroom situation.

Our restaurant for lunch in Progresso

We were on vacation....a little Coke never hurts anyone. Right?

Downtown Hotel

Coming back to the ship from a exciting day in Progresso.

Playing in the arcade was another one of Caroline's favorites. She is at a great age for the arcade, she does not quite understand that she is not driving the car. We saved a lot of quarters!

Caroline and the showgirl after dinner

another ice cream trip

The wind was blowing like crazy one night after dinner, so we decided to dance on the main stage. Crazy idea!

Progresso's school

Sad face, because we would not let her have any more ice cream for that particular night.

Daddy and Caroline checking out the Christmas decorations.

Another towel creation...Matt and I are still debating on what this is??

Getting ready to go to Cozumel

The water was the bluest water you have ever seen!

Caroline checking out the square

So this is what it is like to ride in a car without a carseat...this is what I have been missing! 
We took a cab to a private beach called Paradise Beach. The water was crystal clear and the weather was perfect. This beach time was Matt's favorite time during the cruise. It was great to watch Caroline dig and play in the sand. She really wanted to go out to the slide, but we told her we would have to wait till next time for the big slide.

After swimming we went back to town to do a little shopping.

Took a break from shopping to enjoy a snow cone.

Back to the ship

We have great memories from our Fall Vacation 2011. We do not know what our vacation time will hold for the year 2012. There is a hope inside of me that Caroline will always remember a small bit of this vacation...maybe just a big lizard...maybe. I am so thankful for my time that I got to spend just the three of us. Memories.