Ritchie Crew

Ritchie Crew

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mother's Day

I am just now getting around to blogging about Mother's Day, and the reason why? Because I have been busy being a Mom! I have cherished every moment being a Mother and I am blessed that God has given me a happy and healthy little girl to guide throughout life. Matt is home this weekend so I hope to spend family time together and soak up the fun! We have been to Jared and Megan's shower this afternoon and are headed to Chili's to munch munch munch... Below are a few pictures from Mother's Day, and I apologize for having them out of order.

Flowers from Daddy and Caroline

Mommy and Caroline on Mother's Day

She loves those hands...teething!

Many of you may know that I do not like staying at the house by myself when Matt is out of town. Some nights I just have those moments when I cannot sleep and I am worried that someone will come in the house and get us! It was never a fear of mine, until we moved into the house. We now have a security system that covers every window break or opening, every hall and entry sensored (just in case one is to get through the windows or doors), panic buttons, and more little trinkets here and there. The termite guy called me this week at work and asked if we had a security system under the house also...I then realized my fear was out of control. If one is to make it past all of the security then they better get ready for one crazy Mom!! All this said, is to explain the card that I gave my Mother for Mother's Day. I always call Mom and say that I need her to come stay the night, because I cannot find my big girl panties. My motto for life is "pull up your big girl panties and deal with it." This card was perfect for Mimi.

Caroline's gift to MiMi (MiMi loves platters)

Daddy and Caroline got Mommy this gift for my op at work...how creative! This digital photo frame will be perfect to keep the pictures rotating of my little one.

Nanaw's coffee mug...Nanaw loves coffee

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