We drove out to the cemetary late Thursday, and Caroline helped Nana and Christy place flowers at his graveside. I was on bedrest last year and did not go to this portion of the ceremony. I had an appointment with Dr. Taylor the next day, and he told me that he did not advise it due to my blood pressure. If my blood pressure went back over one-sixty I was headed straight to the hospital to induce. That would not have been a problem, other than Matt was in SEARS school and had no idea any of this was taking place. So I chose to skip part of the ceremony due to emotions. I lived an entire year, periodically looking back and wondering if I would have been okay to go...should I gone...what if this...what if that... Yesterday a weight was lifted off my shoulders to know that Grandpa was with me that entire time and probably prayed for me to make it till Matt got home. It was a blessing to take Caroline out and share some of the memories with her. I sit here and laugh and cry while typing this. I will share my favorite memory about my grandfather with you. We would go to the Little Rock Zoo just about everytime you turned around, then eat at Taco Bell( which he did not like, but I never knew this until a year before he passed away) That is why he always ordered just an order of cinnamon sticks! Well on one particular day we decided to go see a movie instead of going to the zoo. We went to go see Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtles. After the movie was over, I looked at Papaw to find him asleep! I did not wake him up... if fact he did not wake up until the next movie started! I will never forget sitting in the dark room with a snoring old man for who knows how long. Good Times....Good Times
Baked Chicken Tenders
1 day ago
So sweet :) I got a little emotional reading this!