Ritchie Crew

Ritchie Crew

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Over the River and Through the Woods...

...to Birmingham we go. We got up early Friday morning to get ready to see our Daddy for the weekend. Caroline reclined back while I finished packing the last minute items. We traveled to Birmingham the first night since Matt would not be out of class till late Friday night. We are headed to Tupelo tonight, so we will be closer to home for the trip on Sunday.

Caroline thought she was going to get to drive this time. She checked her tires and then side mirrors, and then loaded up to see Daddy.

I talked into letting me drive one more time. I told her that we would get there faster if we took Mommy's car. I wanted to show off our new fav-the travel humidifier. Caroline has had a cold the past week, so this worked wonders on our road trip.
We arrived in Birmingham Friday afternoon, and then Mommy unloaded the car. All in one trip! When you travel with a baby you have to bring just about everything!
Before bedtime we had our usual tummy time and the next thing we knew...Caroline was scooting to her wipes. It will not be long and this girl is going to be crawling.

Bathtime with Mommy

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