We have been playing chase all afternoon/night! I would post the pictures from my bare bottom baby, but I do not know if that is needed. MiMi told me today that she would go into room after room. After getting a bath, Caroline decided to crawl like a mad woman throughout the house. She would crawl as fast as possible and then turn around to make sure I was chasing her. I laughed so hard! She would laugh so hard she could not breathe! I just adore her!
I also started getting a daily email from Productive Parenting. I read about this email site on Kelly's Korner and have enjoyed it thus far. You enter your child's date of birth and they give you an activity to complete each day to help them learn different skills. Today's activity was to put Caroline in an intertube and see how long it would take her to get out...well...it did not take her five seconds. The activity was to help with balance and strength. The Papaw would hide his pen under the rug, up his sleeve, and under the intertube. You should see the look on her face when she would find it! Priceless!
Slow Cooker Bolognese
9 hours ago
Chase is a favorite at our house too. Now, it's like hide n seek and always gets great giggles!